H&P Visit 1


Full Name : G. G.

Address: Unknown

Date & Time: 3/15 – 8:17AM

Location: NYPQH

Religion: Unknown

Source of Information: Self (using a Translator – pt is Spanish speaking)

Reliability: Reliable

Mode of Transport:  Ambulance

CC. “Stomach pain” x 1 day

History of Present Illness:

23 y/o Female with PMH of Ulcerative Colitis Presents with abdominal pain and vomiting that started 1 day ago. Pt notes the abdominal pain is diffuse and does not localize to one area. Pt also notes vomiting 3 times in the past day. Pt also vomited in the ED bed while giving illness history. Pt notes she vomited while trying to take aspirin for a headache. Pt did not swallow the aspirin. The abdominal pain has been constant since yesterday but worsened today. Pt describes the abdominal pain as a “cramping pain”. Pt notes pain is 10/10. Pt denies aggravating or relieving factors. Pt has not been taking her prescribed Ulcerative Colitis medication for 6 months. Pt notes her menstrual cycle was irregular last month with menses on the 7th and the 28th of February. Pt denies diarrhea, constipation, chest pain, SOB, fever, dizziness, dysphagia,

Past Medical History

Ulcerative Colitis x 1 year

Immunizations – Pt is unsure if she is up to date

Pt has never had a colonoscopy

Past Surgical History

Pt denies any past surgeries


Pt does not remember the name of the medication she was prescribed for Ulcerative Colitis


Pt denies drug, environmental, animal, and food allergies.

Family History

Pt notes both of her parents are deceased

Pt denies siblings

Social history

Pt has 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks once a week

Pt denies recent travel

Pt is single

Pt is currently unemployed

Pt notes she often eats fast food.

Pt has normal sleep patterns

Pt is not physically active

Pt wears a seatbelt

Review of Systems

General: Denies recent weight loss or gain, loss of appetite, generalized weakness/fatigue, fever, chills, or night sweats   

Skin, Hair, nails: Pt denies change in texture, excessive dryness or sweating, discolorations, pigmentations, moles/rashes, pruritus, changes in hair distribution

Head: Headache – 1 day ago. headache on right side of head. lasted 2 hours. Pt describes it as Dull-pain. Denies alleviating or aggravating factors. Pt denies any pattern in pain. Pt notes the headache was 5/10

Eyes: denies visual disturbance, blurring, diplopia, fatigue with use of eyes, scotoma, halos, lacrimation, photophobia, priuitis, does not remember last eye exam, pt does not wear glasses.

Ears – denies Deafness, pain, discharge, tinnitus, hearing airs

Nose/Sinuses: pt denies Discharge, epistaxis, obstruction

Mouth and throat: denies bleeding gums, sore tongue, sore throat, mouth ulcers, voice changes, dentures. Pt notes good dental hygiene

Neck: denies localized swelling/lumps, stiffness/decreased range of motion

Breasts: denies lumps, nipple discharge, pain. Pt has never had a mammogram

Pulmonary system: denies Dyspnea or dyspnea on exertion, cough, wheezing, hemoptysis, cyanosis, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

Cardiovascular System: Pt denies chest pain, HTN, palpitations, irregular heartbeat, edema/swelling of ankles or feet, syncope or known heart murmur

Gastrointestinal system: See HPI

Genitourinary System: pt denies frequency, nocturia, urgency, oliguria, polyuria, dysuria, color of urine : yellow, Denies incontinence, awakening at night to urinate or flank pain

  • Pt is sexually active with males
  • Pt has 1 partner
  • Pt denies impotence/anorgasmia
  • Pt denies any past or present STI’s
  • Pt denies use of contraception

Menstrual and Obstetrical: Date of last normal period – 5/1. Menarche: 12 y/o. Pt not currently menstruating. Pt denies postcoital bleeding, denies change in vaginal discharge, dyspareunia. Pt denies menopause. Pt denies past pregnancy.

Nervous: pt denies seizures, headache, LOC, sensory disturbances, ataxia, loss of strength, change in cognition/ mental status/memory, weakness.

Musculoskeletal system: denies muscle/joint pain, deformity or swelling, redness.

Peripheral Vascular System: Intermittent claudication, coldness or tropic changes, varicose veins, peripheral edema, color change.

Hematologic system: denies anemia, easy bruising or bleeding, lymph node enlargement, blood transfusions, hx of DVT/pe

Endocrine System: denies polyuria, heat or cold intolerance, goiter, excessive sweating, hirtruism

Psychiatric – pt denies depression/sadness, anxiety, obsessive/compulsive disorder. Pt has never seen a mental health professional and is not taking psychiatric medications.


General: slightly underweight, neatly groomed, does not appear in distress

Hair: The head is normocephalic and atraumatic without tenderness, visible or palpable masses, depressions, or scarring. Hair is of normal texture and evenly distributed.

Skin: Skin is warm, dry, and intact without rashes or lesions. Appropriate color for ethnicity.

Nail: Nailbeds pink with no cyanosis or clubbing.

Eyes: Orbits, eyelids, conjunctivae and sclera are normal. Pupils are equal, round, reactive to light with extraocular movements intact. Vision is grossly intact, and funduscopic examination is unremarkable

Vitals Signs

Blood Pressure

Right arm- Seated: 119/76. Supine: 121/76

Left arm – Seated: 120/80. Supine: 124/72

Height: 63 inches

Weight: 110
